Online teacher
Koinonia Christian Education Society
At koinonia@home we are seeking a part time high school science and math teacher immediately as well as a high school social studies teacher for semester 2. We are an evangelical Christian school with a discipleship focus. The school is Alberta accredited and requires a current Alberta teacher certification or one from a neighbouring province. Overseas credentials will not be considered at this time. Full capabilities in English fluency are expected and you must already be under legal ability to work in Canada in order to apply. We use a learning management platform to deliver online programs so connectivity via internet is a must where you live, and you must supply adequate computer equipment to achieve the requirements of the job. ( computer monitors headset and camera etc). Technology has to be a comfortable thing for you in this position!
Our subject specialists teach their courses according to Alberta curriculum and through the lens of a Christian worldview. These are perfect positions for those who want a part time flexible environment that can facilitate a work from anywhere or work from home model in Canada. Your application must include a personal testament of faith journey, qualifications, resume, full contact information, canadian teacher certificate number, and you should be able to achieve a clear criminal record check and vulnerable sector check upon request.
Only successful candidates will be contacted. email applications to and visit for details on the school.